Mexico is at the forefront of avocado production and export worldwide. Suffice it to say that it is estimated that 1 in 3 avocados that are consumed in the world are produced in our country, exporting mainly to the United States, France, Japan, Canada and China.
The reason for this privileged place can be found in the quality with which it is produced in Mexican lands, cradle of this delicious delicacy. The climate and altitudes are conducive to its cultivation and allow to acquire the "green gold", characteristics that in other places or different climates do not manage to prosper.
Although approximately 60 countries in the world are producers of about 400 varieties of avocado, in Mexico the three varieties with the highest demand from consumers are produced: Hass, Criollo and fuerte, in addition to the volume of national production contributes 30% of the world harvest.
To cite an example of the production capacity of our country, in 2017 the production reached 1,997,629 tons, of which 95,000 tons were destined for the neighboring country to the north, returning to place the avocado as the preferred in the preparation of snacks during the Super Bowl.
On the economic side, the export of avocado to 2016 was approximately 1740 million dollars, which notes the importance of this product in the economy of our country. Internally, Michoacán is the producer of four-fifths of all Mexican avocado.

The outlook for the Mexican avocado sector shows great opportunities, since in addition to the existing free trade agreements the avocado, it is being given new uses in businesses such as naturopathic medicine or personal care, due to its multiple properties that make it a multifaceted fruit.
Another important aspect to consider is the trend towards organic, mainly in the markets of Asia and the European Union, which will allow access to new commercial opportunities.
Providing the Best products from Mexico to the World.
From our farm to your country
​ We are a Mexican company, dedicated to the production, selection and commercialization of top of the line produce in Mexico's Premium agribusiness industry. ​ Our goal is to offer top quality alternatives to the international markets to benefit the final customer by providing top produce at the lowest cost. We are dedicated to boost the export of Mexican products to the world. Always exceeding your expectations, guaranteeing freshness, size, and the tailor-made solution to meet time to market and destinations. We customize each proposal according to the needs of our clients. Global avocados and Fruits Division evokes the magic and origin of the countryside, transporting us to a natural and honest Mexico, the origin, the authentic, like our products

Av. Empresarios #135,
Torre Skalia.
Puerta de Hierro, Zapopan, Jalisco, Mexico.
Cp. 45116